Rokhsan (Roxy) Enanoria
Creative Director and Senior Designer at Level 99 Premium Denim
I have been working with Level 99 and designer, Roxy Enanoria, since the beginning of the year. It is fast becoming my favorite denim line, not only because of their super-soft, stretchy fabrics, gorgeous colors and prints but also because of their amazing team! I thought it would be fun to share an insiders perspective on the fashion industry. In the interview below, Roxy dishes on design and her personal faves.
What is your official title at Level 99 and how long have you worked
with the company?
Rokhsan: Creative Director and I have been with the company for a total of 3
1/2 years. I have only been designing for Level 2 of those years...
What is your favorite thing about being a designer?
Rokhsan: the creative aspect...not too many people can be creative at their
jobs. I have an amazing boss too who really lets my creative juices flow. I
love what I do, which makes going to work everyday a lot easier as well....
Where do you get inspiration from?
Rokhsan: anything and everything. I have gotten inspiration from traveling,
from my daughter, who is now my number one teacher, but mostly from art and
What is your favorite denim trend currently? Of all time?
Rokhsan: Gosh, that's a hard question....I love the oversized jackets that are in
right now. I love how comfortable they feel....I also love the whole men's
inspired trend as well....
Favorite denim trend of all time??? The drainpipe trouser!! It was such a
big part of my Spring 2013 line...I must have done it in every color and
What is the hardest part about your job?
Rokhsan: Not being a SLAVE to trends! Staying with a classic look that never goes
away. It has become a very money driven market, so balancing your creativity
and also having the volume has been a big challenge.
Thank you Rox for taking the time to share with the Banjo Eyes readers! Make sure to check out their website,, for more info on where to buy. 
Salma Hayek wears the Dahlia Flares

Jessica Biel wears the Janice Skinny in Argon Green

Isla Fisher wears Liza skinnies in Night Boom Floral, and Janice skinnies in Pale Rose Micro-Cheetah print
all photos courtesy of Level99