My inspiration for this post came from these Paige Premium Denim Tie Dye jeans. Numerous bloggers have been creating their own version of these jeans, and because I have a love for tie dye, I decided to tackle the DIY project too. As much as I love the skinny jeans version, I felt I would wear them as shorts more often. Busy prints can be overwhelming if you're not used to wearing them, so start with shorts or skirts and work your way up to jeans.

Rit Dye in Wine Bordo, Petal Pink, Tan and Denim Blue
White Jeans or Shorts (I bought a pair of skinnies from PACSUN and shorts from Target, just in case they didn't turn out...would not want to ruin an expensive pair!)
3 Mixing buckets
Sponge Paint Brushes
Rubber/Latex Gloves

Follow dye instructions for mixing on the back of the box. Liquid form or concentrate will work fine. I followed Aimee from SwellMayde's color and mixing combos!
Pre-wash denim. It will help remove any remaining residue and/or chemicals. Also will help the dye set better.
Make sure to dye one side, let dry over night, and then dye the back side. Make sure the water mixed with dye is HOT to help set color.
Wait for the denim to dry completely and then wash inside out to preserve color. I did not wash with any other clothing to prevent bleeding.

The Paige jeans are slightly more splattered with color. I decided to do a series of X's and brush strokes to avoid looking like all of my other tie dye garments. Do whatever you like best!

I have a feeling I will get a few more months out of them since there has been no sign of it cooling down in LA. Final product...happy girl:) Xx