Monday, September 17, 2012

Cook Yourself Sexy with Candice Kumai

My best friend from college, Candice Kumai, is releasing her 2nd solo cookbook on October 2! Cook Yourself Sexy is now available for pre-order on Amazon. As the title states, the book is filled with easy, delicious recipes for the hottest most confident you! She has been pouring her heart and soul into this book for months and I know it will be nothing short of amazing. Her previous cookbook, Pretty Delicious, was filled with HEALTHY recipes. Coming from a girl who is not great in the cooking department (I'm learning! slowly), the recipes were not intimidating. The photography, styling and layout were absolutely beautiful. If I know Candice, this one will be just as fabulous, if not more. While you are waiting for your cookbook to come in the mail, check out her online contributions to Men's Health Magazine and Women's Health Magazine. In her columns, Men's Cook For More Sex and Women's Cook Yourself Sexy, you will find plenty of mouth-watering recipes and tips on health, lifestyle, and how to stay fabulous!



  1. Jamie I was going to get them for you girls #obeyteam!! The book will be FAB!! Thx for reading;)
