Monday, September 24, 2012

Then and Now

My good friend Alexis went to visit her grandparents in New York this summer and discovered stacks of classic magazine collections. I'm talking "Great Depression Era" editions. In the midst of cleaning out their old house her grandparents were planning on throwing out The New Yorker's! Luckily, she had time to look through them and salvage a few. She mailed several pages of fashion ads from the old New Yorker's to me and a few other friends who are obsessed with fashion. The pages I received are from this New Yorker Magazine below dating November 28, 1936! I couldn't pass up the opportunity to share these and compare how they relate to modern day ads. I hope you enjoy as much as I did!

Xx, S

Chanel Ad 1936 from The New Yorker

Chanel Now: Nicole Kidman Chanel Ad 2008

{Jantzen Swimwear Ad 1936, The New Yorker} {Now: Jantzen Swimwear Ad 2008 Carolyn Murphy}

Bergdorf Goodman 1936 Vintage Ad Campaign via The New Yorker

 Now: Bergdorf Goodman Ad Resort 2011