Monday, November 5, 2012


October was a rewarding yet extremely busy month. It started off with my family in town from Sacramento. My Mom, Sis and I ran the Long Beach Half Marathon, which was my Mom and I's 5th half marathon together! With our legs a little wobbly, we mustered up the energy to go see Florence + The Machine at the Hollywood Bowl. The outdoor setting at the bowl is magical, and Florence's vocals are like no other artist at the moment. My dad compared her to a modern-day Annie Lennox! Dressed in head-to-toe Gucci, including a long black sheer dress with a hint of sparkle, Florence was stunning to the eyes as well as the ears.

Mike and I continued our month with a quick trip to San Francisco to visit our good friends, painted our kitchen (tougher then we thought!), and of course spent every moment watching the Giant's playoff run to the World Series. The games lead to our unplanned DIY halloween costumes....crazy Giant's fans; another indicator of our NorCal roots.

Don't forget to follow me on instagram  @Banjoeyes. Hope you all have a fabulous Monday:/

Xx Steph

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