Thursday, August 2, 2012

DIY Braided Chain Bracelet

Last week my friend Yaara sent me this great DIY bracelet idea from Pinterest. I am very pleased with the way it turned out and am looking forward to making more for my friends!


10" Chain Link
Crochet Needle
Clasp and Jump Ring
19 Ft Cording (Same or combination of colors)

STEP 1: Measure chain around wrist to obtain desired length. Cut 19 12" pieces of cording.  Set 18 pieces aside, and knot one to the end of chain.

STEP 2: Loop cord through crochet needle. Set aside.
STEP 3: Separate remaining 18 pieces of cording into 3 bunches of 6. Knot the ends of bunches and braid cording together using 2 pieces of cord per strand. Repeat to remaining 2 bunches.

STEP 4: Now you have 3 braided cords. Knot the ends of the 3 cords together and braid. When finished, lay parallel to chain.
STEP 5: Once braided cording and chain are side by side, loop needle and cord through braid, then back through chain and repeat all the way down. I then looped the cord back up the chain to make the braid more secure. Once done, knot the ends and clip off any extra cording.

STEP 6: Attach clasp and you're done!

My mom made the blue, green and gold bracelet:)


  1. i LOVE this!! Thanks for sharing Steph (and Yaara ;))

  2. Steph, your bracelets look so good!!! I'm going to have to try this ... And I love the fringe tank, too! xo
