Monday, January 7, 2013

New Year, New Home

We moved the week before Christmas...for the second year in a row. I know, as if it already weren't busy enough around the holidays! But a new home means redecorating and reorganization. One positive to come out of this crazy end of year is the chance to rid ourselves of all the junk and material items we do not need. I call it New Year's cleansing and it is definitely a good feeling to enter 2013 with a fresh start. We downsized in order to save money to buy a home (oh, someday!) and finding clever ways to create storage has been a challenge. I have been spending countless hours scouring the web for design and storage ideas (hence, the lack of blog posts). Along the way I have come across some dream rooms, I hope to recreate with my own twist someday. If you have any good ideas for small home office spaces and small bathrooms, send them my way. Happy New Year!

Xx, Stephoffice9office10office11office8office5office4office6office3office2office1office7All Photos Courtesy Of Elle Decor, Vogue and Pinterest

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